FYI has built its reputation by conducting the most thorough and rigorous food safety audits in the food industry. FYI has the most complete audit checklists, exceeds standards for time spent and employs some of the best qualified auditors. With an FYI food safety audit, customers can be confident that they are receiving the highest level of food safety due diligence and commitment to risk reduction. It is for this reason that FYI audits are widely accepted by major buyers – retailers, distributors, and food service companies.
FYI offers two types of audits:
GAP and GMP Audits
In 1997, the U.S. FDA launched the National Food Safety Initiative, a set of science-based guidelines for reducing microbial food safety hazards in fresh produce. Today, these guidelines represent the norm for food safety procedures and practices. Growers, packers, distributors, processors, and cooling and cold storage operations must regularly demonstrate to buyers that they engage in agricultural and manufacturing practices that minimize food safety risk.
FYI conducts comprehensive GAP/GMP audits that focus on procedures and practices related to land usage and history, harvesting practices, environmental hazards, water quality, pest control, recall/traceability, employee health and hygiene, and other related Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs). In addition, FYI audits include a food security component upon request.
HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) Audits
HACCP is a scientific process control system for identifying and preventing biological, chemical and physical hazards at critical points in the food production and distribution process. It is built on seven principles and pre-requisite programs (SSOP/SOP).
For companies operating under HACCP plans, FYI includes a HACCP Food Safety Management plan review in its GAP and GMP audits. In addition, companies that want to demonstrate and communicate the highest commitment to food safety may seek CertiClean™ certification and Food Safety Verification Testing for their fields and facility operations. Finally, companies interested in establishing a comprehensive HACCP-based Food Safety Management Plan can turn to FYI for expert guidance.